Swepco 103 Moly HI Plus Grease

Extreme Pressure Grease
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SWEPCO 103 Moly H I Plus Grease

Until now, equipment owners who wanted the high shock and water and corrosion resistance of a barium grease had to give up the cost-saving anti-friction characteristics of a “moly” fortified grease. But . . . no longer! Now BOTH the superior performance of barium and the unique anti-friction and anti-wear properties of ‘powdered moly’ are available in a single premium quality multi-purpose gun grease . . . SWEPCO 103 Moly H I Plus Grease. This unique grease has superior extreme pressure and anti-wear characteristics in addition to all the normal performance advantages of SWEPCO 105 H I Plus Grease.

Technical Data
  • Excellent performance under the most adverse conditions
  • Fibrous structure builds up a dust shield
  • Helps neutralize acidic mixtures and other corrosive materials
  • Reduced grease consumption
  • Improves energy efficiency and extends equipment life
  • Anti-friction/anti-wear protection from the Moly Powder
  • Heavy Construction
  • Industrial Equipment
  • Mining
  • Bucket pins
  • Chemical processing equipment
  • WWTP aerators, pumps, valves

Other Extreme Pressure Greases

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